







用英文表述解释各种病毒 引导扇区病毒 宏病毒 特洛伊木马 拒绝服务器攻击

Virues are programs or pieces of code that are loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and run against your wishes. Viruses can also replicate themselves.

A boot sector virus is one that infects the first sector, i.e. the boot sector, of a floppy disk or hard drive. Boot sector viruses can also infect the MBR. The first PC virus in the wild was Brain, a boot sector virus that exhibited stealth techniques to avoid detection. Brain also changed the volume label of the disk drive.

A macro virus, in computing, is a computer virus that exploits programs' associated documents (such as Microsoft Word Documents) to contain harmful embedded code.

Trojan horse, also known as trojan, is malware that appears to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious functions. Therefore, a computer worm or virus may be a Trojan horse. The term is derived from the classical story of the Trojan Horse.

A computer worm is a self-replicating computer program. It uses a network to send copies of itself to other nodes (computer terminals on the network) and it may do so without any user intervention. Unlike a virus, it does not need to attach itself to an existing program. Worms almost always cause harm to the network, if only by consuming bandwidth, whereas viruses almost always corrupt or modify files on a targeted computer.

Denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is one in which a multitude of compromised systems attack a single target, thereby causing denial of service for users of the targeted system. The flood of incoming messages to the target system essentially forces it to shut down, thereby denying service to the system to legitimate users.


A Trojan horse, also known as a trojan, is malware that appears to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious functions. Therefore, a computer worm or virus may be a Trojan horse. The term is derived from the classical story of the Trojan Horse.

Types of Trojan horse payloads

Trojan horse payloads are almost always designed to cause harm, but can also be harmless. They are classified based on how they breach and damage systems. The six main types of Trojan horse payloads are:

* Remote Access

* Data Destruction

* Downloader

* Server Trojan(Proxy, FTP , IRC, Email, HTTP/HTTPS, etc.)

* Security software disabler

* Denial-of-service attack (DoS)

Some examples of damage are:

* Erasing or overwriting data on a computer

* Re-installing itself after being disabled

* Encrypting files in a cryptoviral extortion attack

* Corrupting files in a subtle way

* Upload and download of files

* Copying fake links, which lead to false websites, chats, or other account based websites, showing any local account name on the computer falsely engaging in untrue context

* Falsifying records of downloading software, movies, or games from websites never visited by the victim.

* Allowing remote access to the victim's computer. This is called a RAT (remote access trojan)

* Spreading other malware, such as viruses (this type of trojan horse is called a 'dropper' or 'vector')

* Setting up networks of zombie computers in order to launch DDoS attacks or send spam.

* Spying on the user of a computer and covertly reporting data like browsing habits to other people (see the article on spyware)

* Making screenshots

* Logging keystrokes to steal information such as passwords and credit card numbers

* Phishing for bank or other account details, which can be used for criminal activities

* Installing a backdoor on a computer system

* Opening and closing CD-ROM tray

* Playing sounds, videos or displaying images

* Calling using the modem to expensive numbers, thus causing massive phone bills

* Harvesting e-mail addresses and using them for spam

* Restarting the computer whenever the infected program is started

* Deactivating or interfering with anti-virus and firewall programs

* Deactivating or interfering with other competing forms of malware

* Randomly shutting off the computer

* Installing a virus

* Slowing down your computer

* Displaying pornographic sites

Methods of deletion

Since Trojan horses have a variety of forms, there is no single method to delete them. The simplest responses involve clearing the temporary internet files file and deleting it manually. Normally, antivirus software is able to detect and remove the trojan automatically. If the antivirus cannot find it, booting the computer from alternate media(cd) may allow an antivirus program to find a trojan and delete it. Updated anti-spyware programs are also efficient against this threat.












多数病毒检测程序都能检测和识别出特洛伊木马病毒并加以查杀。特洛伊木马病毒的例子包括:Coke、Ondever、ste-roid Trojan和TeLefoon等。




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  • 本文目录一览:1、请问特洛伊木马病毒的常见英文名称有哪些?2、用英文表述解释各种病毒 引导扇区病毒 宏病毒 特洛伊木马 拒绝服务器攻击3、木马病毒的英文说明4、怎么彻底清除特洛伊木马病毒请问特洛伊木马病毒的常见英文名称有哪些?实在查


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