Zabbix 5.*默认自带模板Template Module ICMP Ping。它用于监控主机或设备的生存状态和网络状况,主要监控丢包率和响应时间。Template Module ICMP Ping模板有三个item,如下截图所示:
Template Module ICMP Ping的配置
Zabbix使用外部命令fping处理ICMP ping请求,而不是ping命令,而fping不包含在Zabbix在发行版本中。因此,需要额外安装fping相关的命令包。
[root@Zabbix ~]# yum list installed | grep fpingfping.x86_64 3.16-1.el8 @zabbix-non-supported
#yum install fping -y
由于fping默认是root而权限工作Zabbix Proxy 或Zabbix Server是zabbix因此,用户需要运行fping程序设置setuid如果权限是自定义的key需要使用时间netstat还应设置命令setuid,否则,数据无法获取,日志中的提示权被拒绝。
# locate fping/usr/sbin/fping/usr/sbin/fping6/usr/share/doc/fping/usr/share/doc/fping/COPYING/usr/share/doc/fping/ChangeLog/usr/share/doc/fping/README/usr/share/man/man8/fping.8.gz/usr/share/man/man8/fping6.8.gz#chown root:zabbix /usr/sbin/fping#chmod 4710 /usr/sbin/fping
2:在Zabbix Server和Zabbix Proxy打开注释件中打开注释
### Option: FpingLocation# Location of fping.# Make sure that fping binary has root ownership and SUID flag set.## Mandatory: no# Default:# FpingLocation=/usr/sbin/fping ### Option: Fping6Location# Location of fping6.# Make sure that fping6 binary has root ownership and SUID flag set.# Make empty if your fping utility is capable to process IPv6 addresses.## Mandatory: no# Default:# Fping6Location=/usr/sbin/fping6
该模板应用于被监控的主机或设备,或引用于其他模板(许多翻译是“链接的模板”,个人感觉这个翻译很奇怪),如下所示,在Template OS Windows by Zabbix agent中引用了Template Module ICMP Ping只要模板应用于模板,Template OS Windows by Zabbix agent 将监控主机或设备。
Template Module ICMP Ping的选项介绍
对应于被监控的主机或设备“最新数据”(Latest data)——“Status”下面有三个监控项
ICMP loss
ICMP ping
ICMP response time
Defaults,limits and description of values for ICMP check parameters:
ParameterUnitDescriptionFping's flagDefaults set byAllowed limits
by Zabbix
packetsnumbernumber of request packets to a target-C
intervalmillisecondstime to wait between successive packets-p1000
sizebytespacket size in bytes
56 bytes on x86,68 bytes on x86_64-b56 or 68
timeoutmillisecondsfping v3.x - timeout to wait after last packet sent, affected by -C flag
fping v4.x - individual timeout for each packet-tfping v3.x - 500
fping v4.x - inherited from -p flag,but not more than 2000
In addition Zabbix uses fping options -i interval ms (do not mix up with the item parameter interval mentioned in the table above,which corresponds to fping option -p) and -S source IP address (or -I in older fping versions). Those options are auto-detected by running checks with different option combinations. Zabbix tries to detect the minimal value in milliseconds that fping allows to use with -i by trying 3 values: 0,1 and 10. The value that first succeeds is then used for subsequent ICMP checks. This process is done by each ICMP pinger process individually.
Auto-detected fping options are invalidated every hour and detected again on the next attempt to perform ICMP check. Set DebugLevel>=4 in order to view details of this process in the server or proxy log file.
Warning: fping defaults can differ depending on platform and version - if in doubt,check fping documentation.
Zabbix writes IP addresses to be checked by any of three icmpping* keys to a temporary file,which is then passed to fping. If items have different key parameters,only ones with identical key parameters are written to a single file.
All IP addresses written to the single file will be checked by fping in parallel,so Zabbix icmp pinger process will spend fixed amount of time disregarding the number of IP addresses in the file.
ICMP loss案例截图:
ICMP ping掉包的案例截图
ICMP response time 是时延或响应时间